Monday, December 29, 2008

wei budak budak jay two oh eight

ayuh kembali ke sekolah! ayuh~
hehehe :)
uniform dah beli?
buku teks dah setel?
pensel, pen, pemadam semua cukup?
sifir dah hapal?

can't wait to see u romeos and juliets again!

moshi MOSHI.

hello romeos and juliets.

this is something i found while surfing the internet today. i thought of sharing it with you guys.
it's basically a two-day camp, with accommodation and transport provided. Its aim is to basically prepare students with everything that you need to know prior to your departure, so that the participants will be well-geared for life as a foreign student on a foreign land.

read here for more details.

if anyone feels like registering, please tell me. i wanna join in too hehe.
(nak cari geng laa weyy aku tak nak pergi sorang2 okay)

//ah yes, salam maal hijrah :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


because the class rep has started to bug me to write a REPORT on our admission to HKL last week, i decided to at least put something here for us to share.

UNFORTUNATELY, due to ultimate lazy-ness, you guys can read the full report here and here.

soklan cepumas: are you really sure you want to be a doc? 

haih haih haihsss.

toddles. cheerios.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


aku (mye), senn, safura, yuhin, helma, zaty, zubet, razi, atikah, sarah (ini je kowt?? huhu)
selesai wat hosp attachment kt HKL.. hehehe..
kteowg enjoy je kt HKL.. but aku ade vid nk share utk kowg sume XD

hehehe.. bowsan sgt smpai trlentok yuhin.. ngahahaha
*camera phone aku brgegar2 = aku tgh tahan gelak!!! XD

n ini ade 1 lg insiden yg berlaku...
d mane ade hamba ALLAH ni selipar nye trcabowt!!! hahahaha

utk tawu cerita2 laen d HKL, ley la bace blog aku
but aku xcite bnyk.. sbb da lupe... ngeee XD

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Salam Aidiladha!

Salam to all.

InsyaAllah, I will be going to my grandparents' house in Kedah to celebrate this year's Hari Raya Aidiladha..

To all unique, havoc, kinda mad at times (and all adjectives related to that..) J2 classmembers, have a wonderful Hari Raya Haji!

Remember, doa during the night of raya is more likely to be fulfilled by Allah..

All in all,

Dapatkan Komen Hari Raya Aidiladha di Myfwenster

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Salam. aku salah type blog. Sorry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blog Promotion

Hye ppl! Im promoting my blog. YAY! It is open to public. Pls view it :) :) :) and friends pls dun forget to link me! Thank you!!!!

First Day, Emergency And Trauma Department, Putrajaya Hospital.

Hehey people! Hope u guys are having a blast during this hols!

As you all know, some of us pg buat medical attachment.

So ini nak share2lah. Kongsi pengalaman. Tambah pengetahuan. :)

Putrajaya Hospital. Emergency and Trauma Department.

0800-1800 hours. Monday to Friday. (1/12-5/12/08)

Teh. Ridhwan. Kina.

First Day (by: Ridhwan)

It all started off on Monday, sharp at 0800. I straight went to the admin office as instructed by teh. Sampai2 jee Kina dah register and terus dapat pg jabatan dier, pathology. (Kina semangat sampai awal, haha). Tgh syok2 isi borang, teh pun sampai n perkenalkan aku dkt member dier, azura, whom will join us. Lepas diconfirm kitorg dapat emergency n trauma (ET), aku excited gle beb! Semua action kat situ kan! Haha. Aku x sabar2 nak pegi woo. Tapi registration kitorg lambat diproses n sejam lepaih tuh baru dpt bergerak. Next, kitorg pg ambik pas istimewa yang membolehkan access kepada semua tempat di hospital. Perghh bangga aku siot pakai tag tuh.. Mcm dah jadi staff hospital! Hehe. I wore it with honour and pride. :)

Dkt2 pukul 1000 kami pun sampai dekat ET. Rasa awkward gle. Semua org pandang n kami tak tau nak buat ape. So kami pun pg la jumpa nurse yg muka paling baik, Pn Asmah. Hehe.. She turned out to be the Sister there and she gave us an overview of ET, the place and how it basically functions. Lepas tuh, kami pg dekat lounge staff and got ready, pakai coat, tag and ape semua. Tp masih blur xtau nak buat ape. Haha then kami decide pg jumpa head of department (aka tokey besar, kata one of the abang medical assistant (MA), haha), Dr Khairul Nizam, just to tell him of our presence. Mukanye serious and tegas n garang, mcm nak telan kami hidup2. But he looked really really smart, professional and gempak. Leadership aura was spilling out of him. Hehe. He looked quite tensed though, byk keje agaknye. (ntah kenapa bila aku nampak dier, I can see myself mcm dr khairul 25 years in the future, haha, mgkn sbb muka serious) Tp he sanggup jugak ketepikan keje dier n layan kami. We introduced ourselves and he briefed us, on what we can do and cant and others. Then kami jumpa tokey besar no. 2, Dr Azalina, n buat mende sama. Lepas tuh kami pun keluar, tgk patients yg ada, and decided that its best for us to split up, utk elak mgganggu para staff.

Aku masuk balik lounge and berkenalan dgn dua org staff PPK (aku lupa what it stands for) iaitu abg kamarul (aka abg haji) n abg X (aku lupa nama dier sory, haha nnt aku update). They were very friendly and told me not to be shy around here, just pg jee tgk and nyibuk2 and be open minded. Lepas borak2 jap, aku pun kuar balik n pg tgk patients.

The first one was an accident victim. His head had some lacerations, kulit dahi sampai ke bahagian atas kepala dier koyak n all the flesh exposed. Darah meleleh smpai ke lantai. Abg2 medical assistant (MA) tgh jahit luka tuh, so aku usha dr blakang curtain area tuh. Then abg X bg aku facemask n suruh jee aku masuk n tgk, takpe katenye. Jadi aku pun masuk n tgk smpai jahitan tuh siap. “Ini agak menarik,” aku bermonolog dalaman waktu tuh. Hehe. Then ada kes nenek tua yg ada diabetes. Kaki kirinye luka dkt atas kawasan metatarsals. Woundnye agak besar, kotor and berulat, sampai nampak tulang, kata teh. Nurses pun rawat n balut luka tuh.

Lepas kes tuh, keadaan agak buhsan seketika. Kes biasa2 jee. Tp kami dpt tgk laa prosedur nak amik darah, analyze xray n cara baca equipment2 yg ada. It was quite fun, walaupun we had completely no basic knowledge. Then kami dapat berkenalan dgn docs on-call, Dr Fong (surgical) and Dr Lisa. Dr fong was a Taylorian in 98’. He got TER 94 in SAM n blaja dkt India. Dier kata SAM masa dier senang gle, he n his friends selalu dpt full marks. (yeah I can hear some wow, people) XP He n Lisa was very friendly, agak playful. Tp aku suka dgn Dr Lisa. She baru 2 tahun lepas houseman n suka ajar2 and explain stuff, and aku suka melekat dgn n kacau dier. Haha.

1700 hours. Tgh syok2 kacau Dr Lisa sebelum nak balik, alarm berbunyi. Ambulance datang! Pegawai Call Centre kata ada accident victim, he tercampak keluar dr kereta, through the windshield. 5 minit lepas tuh victim sampai. Semua staff berkejar ke kawasan merah, Dr Khairul, fong, lisa, haji, MA lain2 n nurses suma ada. Pergh gempak siot. Mcm askar2 nak pg berperang. Kami bertiga pun masuk dalam tempat tuh, and dapat tgk secara dekat. Aku berdiri dekat bahagian kepala, teh dgn azura dkt kaki. Victim was a male, foreigner, mcm dari middle east, still young. Kepala berdarah gle, blood was oozing dgn BANYAKNYE from his mouth, ears and nose. Bile Dr fong buat chest compressions, darah memancut dari mulut victim, kena muka dr lisa, dr khairul n one more doc. Agak brutal ah. Aku yg berdiri dkt kepala, dpt tgk first class view. Mata victim terbuka, n xbernafas. Tp bg aku ini sungguh menarik. Rawat punye rawat, n lepas buat CPR selama 30 minit, nadi victim xdpt distartkan semula, n he disahkan meninggal, jam 1740. Kesian that guy. Still young dah sampai ajal. Seeing that, aku mula sedar betapa perlunya kita perlu hargai nyawa kita. Nyawa amat mudah melayang, begitu sahaja.

Yang paling menarik perhatian aku sebenarnya kan, walaupun seorang manusia baru saja mati dekat situ, docs n nurse just bukak their gloves, cuci tangan n sambung buat kerja masing2, mcm xde pape yg berlaku. Cuma tggl 3 org nurse yg cuci n uruskan mayat victim td. Its like nothing to them. Mgkin bg orang biasa, mereka mgkin akan mcm rasa bersalah atau sedih or perasaan yg seangkatan dgnnya. Tp bg staff dkt situ, dorg can just move on n sambung keje. I was amazed. Then dr lisa dtg dkt aku n said, “Not quite a good thing for your first day of work, huh?” I replied: “Yeah, but its very exciting, very interesting, seriously.” “Well, good if u feel that way, coz maybe other people will puke off seeing what you just saw” Lisa replied, smiled, and continued doing her work at a computer. Mgkn bg mereka death is just part of the process, it’s a normal thing. Biasa. Sggh hebat mereka ini.

1800 hours. Aku got ready to end my shift. Amat menarik department nie bg aku. Ntah kenapa, aku rasa yg walaupun kena berdepan dgn pelbagai scenes yg gory n brutal, tapi para staff dkt sini sbnrnya menyelamatkan nyawa. Tgk usaha n ketekunan dorg, kerja mereka ni amat murni n mulia, xkisahlah patient mati atau tidak. Memikirkan ini, aku berasa amat terharu dan tenang. Harap2 inilah bakal profession aku nnt. Aku rasa krja ini sesuai dan amat menarik bg aku. Aku suka. :)

Time aku balik, dgn smartnye memegang kot n pakai tag n pakai baju formal plus tie (hehe), i stepped into my dad’s car. ”Evening, Dr Ridhwan,” my dad said. I smiled. “Insyaallah dad”. :)