Friday, January 9, 2009

At least a Qunut Nazilah.

Salam to all.

My confession:

Yes, I did eat McD.
Yes, I did not read much about the recent attack on Gaza.
Yes, I did not contribute even a cent to the victims. (yet..)


I try to recite Qunut Nazilah at every prayers with hope that Allah will ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters...

And perhaps..

You could do the same too!

Doa Qunut Nazilah
Just click on the iPaper and then select 'Save Document'

1 comment:

Z. said...

boikoi produk israel!
(aku ade pakai satu tapi aku janji pas dah habis aku tak nak beli dah heh)

nway, kau bgn pg2 tu tgk aa MHI, tiap2 ari cite sal gaza! sedih gile ok!