Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Malaysia!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Wow! Malaysia is 51 today. I am ever so proud to see how my country has developed over the years. 51 years our country has grown to achieve success and development. Thanks to our honorable and dedicated leaders who successfully lead us to who we are today.

Merdeka means a lot to us and we must continue to embrace the spirit of merdeka within our hearts forever. Merdeka doesn't solely refer to our independence from being conquered by other supreme external powers (penjajah asing) but we must always free our mind from being severely overpowered by sick mentalities. Mentalities that we have been having since the birth of our country.

We must constantly remind ourselves that this country belongs to ALL OF US despite of race, religion and political beliefs. Let us uphold the nation's supremacy. Break the boundary of racism and move forward TOGETHER to enhance our country in all possible means. Remember that our country has not fully developed as we are still lacking in many things. We are waaay behind in our economy in comparison to other developing countries. We are not yet in the comfort zone. Even if we are, we still need to improve ourselves at all times. We will never be at the best but we definitely can strive hard to be better year by year. Start strategising ourselves to be more competitive and to excel better than others in the near future. We know we can do it!

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-51 Malaysia! May Allah bless our country! :)

I have a nice story to share. I got it from Malaysiakini. It is a simple story of Merdeka in 2057. When our country is 100 years old. Malaysia is under the renamed Supremacist Alliance (Barisan Nasional today) - the world's longest-staying political party in power.

Merdeka in year 2057

Lim Teck Ghee | Aug 31, 08 9:39am

It is Merdeka Day 2057. The Supremacist Alliance is in power. Having successfully re-engineered (and renamed) itself several times over, it has the record of being the longest-staying political party in power in the world.

Interviewed over Mal-Jibberish, the sole media agency (all other printed and electronic news media had lost their licences in the great media purge of 2020 or had been swallowed up by the national media Goliath) the Supreme Minister (SM) proclaimed that the Supremacist Alliance looked forward to another hundred years of ruling the country based on its past record of successfully managing the multi-racial society.

merdeka in year 2057 290808 01The SM also proudly announced that the country had, on this momentous day, reached the target population of 70 million proposed by one of the country’s founding fathers many decades ago as part of the national mission to becoming a fully developed country.

This achievement was a full 43 years ahead of the date of 2100 initially envisaged by the country’s Population Ministry and was a testimony to the strong support for the government’s policies from all segments of the country’s population.

At the same time, the SM reminded Malaysians that all challenges, including the horrific effects of rapid global warming on coastal communities - over 10 million Malaysians had lost their homes in the previous five years and had to be resettled in the mountain ranges - could be met if Malaysian stood fast by the original, immutable and sacrosanct ‘social contract’ of 1957.

Out in the streets, the great majority of Malaysians walked past the numerous 1,000-inch interactive TV screens of the live recording of the interview without missing a step or throwing a glance at the giant screen.

They had ceased to care about what was going on. Apathy, demoralisation and fatigue had long set in, and the average Malaysian was just too tired from the daily grind and two-hour work commute.

Despite record oil and gas prices and vast new discoveries that had enabled the country to reach the magical RM100 trillion export figure, Malaysia had lost its economic edge in many fields. Oil revenues enabled the state to subsidise the basic necessities and the country was enjoying its record 13th year of zero inflation according to the Bank Negara and Department of Official Statistics.

But jobs and capital that had left the country had not returned, new employment generation had long ceased and most Malaysians were working a minimum of three jobs to maintain the lifestyle they were used to.

The consolation was that nearly everyone was in the same ‘sampan’. In fact, moonlighting was so widespread that it was rumoured that more than half of the 500-member Malaysian cabinet were engaged in it; although their moonlighting was to regional jobs especially in Burma, the new darling of global investors and recipient of the prestigious United Nations award for “Most Outstanding Multiracial Nation”.

Back home though, the SM called on the nation to renew its vigilance against new plots to destabilise the country by neo-colonialists and local disgruntled malcontents using the United Nations, World Trade Organisation and other external bodies as tools of subversion.

War against Pan-Asian look

These individuals and groups were long-established enemies of the state that could be easily dealt with - their strategies and tactics were familiar. More difficult was the enemy lurking within. The SM was especially forthright about the dangers posed by young unthinking Malaysians that had fallen for the lure of the new ‘dadah’ - the Pan-Asian look.

merdeka in year 2057 290808 02The Pan-Asian look - which had died out in the early part of the century - was now rapidly gaining popularity, despite government discouragement. Because of the local ban, aspiring parents were going overseas to take advantage of advances in bio-medical technology to order the Pan-Asian look for their new born ahead of conception. Those who could not afford to do so were opting for cut rate advanced plastic surgery offered by illegal and unscrupulous Petaling Street operators.

The spread and popularity of the Pan-Asian look had caused serious concern to the ministry responsible for Safeguarding Nationalism, Race and the Social Contract (formerly the Home Ministry). Senior government officials viewed the Pan-Asian look as the major threat to the country’s distinctive ethnic roots and to the status quo which was built on the understanding that categorisation and differentiation of racial groups was the glue that held the country together.

Dramatic advances in eugenics during the past 20 years had made available racial gene pools that would allow for ‘pure’ races. This technology, although frowned on in many countries of the world, had been officially adopted by the government as an essential tool of the national programme aimed at achieving separate racial communities and discouraging - if not demonising - people of mixed races.

The conservation and preservation of pure races was essential to ensure the continuity of the country’s unique historical development but it was also central to the maintenance of state power which had - since what appeared to be time immemorial - been erected on the basis of separate race consciousness and racial (elite) bargaining.

As a result of the popularity of the Pan-Asian look, the race dynamics that entered into every aspect of individual and group consciousness and action was suddenly being undermined.

If Malaysians were not able to look different and deal with each other on the basis of ethnicity, how was social order and stability to be maintained? How could religious tolerance and unity be fostered if mixed races were to become the norm and religious differences were to become blurred or non-existent? The very heart and soul of the country’s character built on separate racial and religious identities was at stake.

The day following Merdeka, the SM announced the setting up of Mission 2080 aimed at revitalising Malaysian’s traditional racial and social order, and the establishment of the National Race Preservation Council to implement the new mission.

On the following day, Mal-Jibberish headlined that business leaders, civil society leaders and the elite from the various ethnic groups pledged their full support to this new - yet old - chapter of Malaysian history.

DR LIM TECK GHEE is former United Nations regional advisor and World Bank senior political scientist.

Friday, August 29, 2008

kAmi aNak mErdeKa!!

31 belum tiba, tapi hampir

kami semangat J2, xde pudar

kibarkan bedera itu sama2!!!

mari2 semangat lebih dr mereka

nyanyi kuat2!! gegarkan MALAYA MERDEKA!!!


ade jugak kera trsesat.. tolong mereka.... mereka mau merdeka juga!!

"3 monkeys style" dr senn~zaty~haziqah

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Woman

Salam to all.

I got this from an email sent by my teacher and I know that this is worth sharing.. This is specially dedicated to my mom and my wonderful teachers and lecturers!

The Woman

When a man was sitting beside a sleeping woman after working late one day
A little boy came by and said: “Why spend so much time beside her ?”
And the man answered: “Son, Have you seen all she is capable of ?"
“she functions on all kinds of food, she is able to embrace several kids at the same time, gives a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart and she does all this with only two hands”.

The little boy was impressed.
“Just two hands....impossible!“
And this is a normal woman?!
“Too much work for one day.... “.
“Indeed”, said the man. “That is why she is my favorite”.
“She cures herself when sick and she can work 18 hours a day”.

The little boy came nearer and touched the woman.
“But she is so soft
“She is soft", said the man, “But she is also so strong. You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.“

“Can she think?" the little boy asked.
The man answered:
“Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate."

The little boy touched the woman’s cheek....
“It seems she is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.”
“She is not’s a tear” the man corrected the little man.
“What’s it for?" asked the little boy.
And the man said:
“Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.”

This made a big impression on the little boy; “Hey, you are lucky.
You know everything. The woman is indeed marvellous!"

Indeed she is!

Woman has strengths that amazes man.

She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when feeling like screaming.
She sings when she feels like crying, crys when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.
She fights for what she belives in.
Stand up against injustice.
She doesn’t take “no” for an answer, when she can see a better solution. She gives herself so her family can thrive. She takes her friend to the doctor if she is afraid.

Her love is unconditional.

She cries when her kids are victorious. She is happy when her friends do well.
She is glad when she hears of a birth or a wedding.
Her heart is broken when a next of kin or friend dies.
But she finds the strength to get on with life.
She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a broken heart.
There is only one thing wrong with her
She forgets what she is worth...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

iZZaN vs HigH hEeLs ???!!



before this....

adakah iZZaN sudah menukar taste nye yg cOoL itu???!!

hamba Allah : ko penah pkai heels sblum nie?

iZZaN : pnah tp SKALI jew.. tu pun wktu
annual dinner skolah aku taun lepas.
WAJIB plak tu.. stress btul aku..

hamba Allah : harharhar...

to iZZaN ----> sTay cOoL!!!! ;P

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


reminderS specifically to J2 members;
  1. 8.30pm.=)
  2. level 1
  3. drinking water
  4. pinggan and cawan.:p

*ps:happy birthday shahrul.

malam semalam punya kisah

develic jay-two-oh-eight
masa dan tarikh: 24 ogos 2008, sebelum jam 12
tempatdiskusi: unit 9-11
ketua segala ketua: SEMUA YG HADIR
tempoh diskusi: tak limit,gelak je lebih
hal yg didiskusi: operasi konon jeng-jeng-jeng
mangsa sasaran: intan shafira, asal melaka, kurus, tinggi
jenis operasi: serang-selimut-lif (paham???!!!)
"ok.korang..mule2 cmni..pastu, cm tu..haaaaa, lepas tu pulak..kite wat yg cm ni lak..then then..go on ja laaaa..aha!!! yes yes..k set"( smbil senyum puas hati)
_ayat ketua segala ketua_
adegan2 yg berjaya di"terkam" alatan teknologi canggih camera:

ketua segala ketua

tapak operasi utama.lif.

skuad bergerak.

gerak laju lagi,rendah lagi

tapi yg ni tak tahan.sempat lagi...haih..;p

ni pun sama

serang!! balut dia dengan selimut!!!ANGKUT DIA!!!
( muke yg seakan girang tuh sebenarnyer tahan berat..heroin lah korang!!!gagah..due2 dak plkn..hoho;p)

jgn putus asa.terus angkut dia!!

yeah!!! dah nak dekat dgn kotak lif!!

sasaran dah berada di kotak target

dalam hati kami
gelak besar

ya.intan ketar..menjadi lah juga..;p

happy birthday intan:)
25 august 2008
we love u
sincerely; ur wonderful J2:)
konklusi operasi:
  • intan tak ringan seperti yg disangka
  • kalo nak lagi gempak, tinggal mangsa tanpa access card dalam lif
  • kalo nak buat operasi jgn bising, mahupun gelak lebih (kami buat nih)..hahahhaa
paling utama;
kami KETUA SEGALA KETUA akan buat lagi
yg akan dtg.tunggu ya...

btw, the moment im writing this, its already 26th, HApPy bday SHAHRUL pula:)

Monday, August 25, 2008

pushing the limit.

hello guys!

math test was like whoahhhhhhhhhh!

okayokay. let's forget about maths now.
but don't forget that we are still having our esl and biology tests later this week.
(oh my, oh my!)

and then next week we're having our chemistry test and if i'm not mistaken, islamic studies' test too, right?

and please remember that we still need to finish our esl powerpoint slides by this week. and do not forget your physic's research!

note to EAP group 8, please be prepared for your presentation the next tuesday okay?

*zaty semangat tak paham. sorrylah ye?*

//stress? no wonder i am growing more and more pimples on my face. bluerghhhh.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

wat da ??

dis is my fes tyme im not posting copy+paste post.
akuw ingin menyatakan betapa kauw truja brada d J2.
sbb korunk sume mmg happening ah!!
akuw brase sgguh truja lagik excited sbb klas ngan korunk.
caya lah~~
korunk mmg bez as akuw raser cm kmbali k skul lame kuw.
ingat dok kolej ney da xdpat raser idup cm kat s****i.
di smping brase truja,
akuw turut mrase sgguh takoot+cuak+berdebar dLL.
ini disebabkan oleh,akuw kelas ngan dak2 medik!!
sume stok2 stret a.
ney ah dugaan.
da ar akuw yang pling blur+lumpy+ngeng dlam klas uh.
minoriti j dak biotech.
(better ar dari akuw alone kat c2 en??haha)
akuw brase diri akuw sgat renda even hakikatnyer akuw tggi.
bantu lah rakan muw ney.
dont leave me scared!!huahua
akhir kalam,
same2 ah kitew brusaha untuk terbang ke AUSTRALIA.
pssst:nak nenok kenggeruuu..ahakxxx
to:dak2 09-11+09-10
makasey kerane menerima akuw sbgai pngunjong tetap korunk!!ahak2

Di Mana Cantiknya Seorang Wanita?
oleh : zatyrainz

Mungkin pada sepasang matanya yang hening yang selalu menjeling tajam atau yang kadang kala malu-malu memberikan kerlingan manja. Boleh jadi pada bibirnya yang tak jemu-jemu menyerlahkan senyuman manis, atau yang sekali-sekala memberikan kucupan mesra di dahi umi juga, ayah, suami dan pipi munggil anak-anak. Atau mungkin juga pada hilai tawanya yang gemersik dan suara manjanya yang boleh melembut sekaligus melembutkan perasaan.

Sejuta perkataan belum cukup untuk menceritakan kecantikan perempuan. Sejuta malah berjuta-juta kali ganda perkataan pun masih belum cukup untuk mendefinisikan tentang keindahan perempuan. Kitalah perempuan itu. Panjatkan kesyukuran kehadrat Tuhan kerana menjadikan kita perempuan dan memberikan keindahan-keindahan itu. Namun, betapa pun dijaga, dipelihara, dibelai dan ditatap di hadapan cermin saban waktu, tiba masanya segalanya akan pergi jua. Wajah akan suram, mata akan kelam. Satu sahaja yang tidak akan dimamah usia, sifat keperempuanan yang dipupuk dengan iman dan ibadah.

Anda ingin lebih cantik dan menarik??

# Jadikanlah Ghadhdul Bashar (menundukkan pandangan) sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, nescaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.

# Oleskan "lipstik kejujuran" pada bibir anda, nescaya akan semakin manis.

# Gunakanlah "pemerah pipi" anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari rasa malu yang dibuat dari salon Iman.

# Pakailah "sabun Istighfar" yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.

# Rawatlah rambut anda dengan "Selendang Islami" yang akan menghilangkan kelemumur pandangan lelaki yang merbahayakan.

# Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan gelang Tawadhu' dan jari-jari anda dengan cincin Ukhuwwah.

# Sebaik-baiknya kalung anda adalah kalung "kesucian".

# Bedaklah wajah anda dengan "air Wudhu" nescaya akan bercahaya di akhirat.

Friday, August 22, 2008

piccies: the sequel.

salam all,
a few shots from class.
courtesy of yours truly. =)

hmm... activation energy?

yuhin, hero gadis2?

ever vigilant class rep - reedo, and beloved miss koh!

aik.. wat muke comel lak sen ni.

hey, she's flying!

safura's turn! easy peasy!

LAN again.
(the only shot not taken from Biology class) XD

alphabets & nombor @ abjad & number :)

*rainbow braces smile*
title doesn't signify anyting.;)
dis is my 1st tyme blogging
n i feel like i hav 2 write an essay.
mcm pressure je blogging ni.. nk try r gak kn.
let me tell u bout j2.
my 1st impression..haha..
for d guys...haihh~~~
*was expecting more to enter c19 on dat mondy morn.;)*
dahlia *dell*:x wujud..haha:)
*ramai gila species kita*
phys: petite.;)
abg lab?? *haha* dia amat baik hati
bio: look young mcm bru graduate.
chem: ouhh..its chemistry.:) *it was d last subject 4 d 1st day..xde perasaan dh.*
math: ???:D garang at 1st sight.;) *08J2 mentor*
agama: ustazah lawak ou.;)
ESL: *d 'no plagiarism' look* haha..

1st impression are always rough thoughts bout sumone by sumone..;)

till now,08J2 has been great.:D

roger ok.out.:D

Thursday, August 21, 2008

An Ordinary Thing Shows Big Difference

As many people might not know, I was fasting today! ( Big deal, huh!)

So, automatically, I could not eat anything before maghrib including my tiny little chocolate that I got from Ms. Piriya to ensure that my puasa is not 'batal'

The chocolate was nothing special (no offence, Ms. Piriya!) It is not a Cadbury Or Van Houten, but just a eraser-like chocolate, wrapped with golden foil and on top of the cover, there was an image of a bee. At a glance, it looked like a dead, unmoving, fat bee!

For some reasons, I was in rush when the clock was showing 7.24(Maghrib) So, in order to break fast, I searched for something to eat. Coincidently, the nearest food that I can reach at that moment was that chocolate, which was in my pant's pocket. Immediately, i pull out the bee's golden skin and popped the content into my mouth.

The taste was different. REALLY DIFFERENT! It was not as full as mousse chocolate that we used to eat. It was not as crunchy as almond in Cadbury's Chocolate. It just like eating a chocolate with embedded crispy biscuit in it.

Unfortunetly, the embedded biscuit was lemau (masuk angin) and the chocolate could not melt in my mouth. Practically, I was forced to swallow hard, bite-size chocolates into my mouth at that moment.T_T Perhaps, the bond between the chocolate molecules were even stronger than I thought and more heat is needed to break down the bond. By only depending on my mouth's heat is not sufficient to...What a special chocolate!!!! \(^0^)/

Just kidding..huhuhu! What I tried to say was every reward you got from your works was actually potraying how much you should get. If you were really sincere when doing a job, ur reward would be the good ones. If you were not sincere (enough) like me ( I volunteered to answer the question because I want the choc!) maybe you would get a (little) rotten ones. So, be sincere when doing a job.....!!

P/S: The is possiblity that I just unfortunate! Next time I dont want to volunteer to answer any ques..hoho! This is my first time. Be subtle when giving a comment...


Salam to all.

Today it rained, and I looooooooooooooooooooooooove it!

Just smell the rain!
See the cottony clouds!
Feel the tickling rain on your skin!
And of course, beware of the slippery stairs.

Somehow, for a few seconds, the famous 'Muhibah' song was aired. I felt kinda wierd. I mean, I don't expect Taylors to practice that... But, that's good.. At least Taylors is being patriotic..

Anyway, class was ok la today.

So far:

ESL : wAaaaaRgGGGGGGGGgHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sTrEss GiLeR nak cari article! <--must improve my Internet skills...

Math : Okay sometimes, blurr sometimes, excited sometimes <-- when doing mind-boggling questions. Stress sometimes <--when I couldn't get the right answer.

Chemy : I couldn't help but to wander how the scientist imagine the electrons and all.. It really pushes my logical thinking to the maximum. Anyway, this is the most challenging subject so far.

Bio : Alhamdulillah, I begin to appreciate the uniqueness of living things more. The formation of protein is a complex process with the transcription, translation process and all... But don't you think it's amazing how the whole process happens beyond our concious control???

Phys : I am actually quite happy getting SAM instead of IB because I can learn physics! Yeay! (Budak IB ambik Chem ngan Bio jer) So far can still digest the projectile motion..

Agama : Love it! Due to the fact that we learn it in English, and of course, Ustazah memang sporting ah! (Except the part when we have to complete the folio.. sangat meletihkan ooooo..)

EAP : I prefer to have the classes at Language Centre. Just loooooooooove the bubbly J2s in my EAP.. I mean, we J2s were like the rockest, hippiest, noisiest students in our group. Cayalah!

Okay. Sleep tight everyone.

Kalau rajin, ambil wudhu' sebelum tidur.. InsyaAllah muka berseri-seri bak kuih seri muka!
Buat selalu dan InsyaAllah tak perlu guna pencuci muka hari-hari. Seminggu sekali pun dah cukup... serious cakap...

(FYI, I am the earliest one to go to sleep and always the last one to wake up.. haha!)

heaLth NewS

DON'T TAKE PANADOL AND PANADOL ACTI FAST AND PANADOL SOLUBLE especially if you have gastric problems

One real story from a friend.... someone was working in a hospital as an IT engineer, as the hospital is planning to set up a database of its patient.

And he knows some of the doctors quite well. The doctors used to tell him that whenever they have a headache, they are not willing to take PANADOL (PARACETMOL).

In fact,they will turn to Chinese Herbal Medicine or find other alternatives. This is because Panadol is toxic to the body, and it harms the liver.

According to the doctor, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. And according to the doctor, there used to be an incident where an air stewardess consumes a lot of panadol during her menstrual as she needs to stand all the time.

She's now in her early 30's, and she needs to wash her kidney (DIALYSIS) every month. As said by the doctor that whenever we have a headache, that's because it is due to the electron/Ion imbalance in the brain.

As an alternative solution to cope with this matter, they suggested that we buy 1 or 2 cans of isotonic drink ( eg.100PLUS), and mix it with drinking water according to a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (simply, it means one cup 100plus, one cup water.or 2 cups water).

Someone have tried this on several occasions, and it seems to work well. Another method will be to submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it bring the blood pressure down from your throbbing head.

As Panadol is a pain killer, the more Panadol you take, the lesser would be your threshold for pain (your endurance level for pain). We all will fall ill as we aged, for woman, we would need to go through childbirth.

Imagine that we had spent our entire life popping quite a substantial amount of Panadol (Pain Killer) when you need to have a surgery or operation, you will need a much more amount of general anesthetic to numb your surgical pain than the average person who seldom or rarely takes Panadol .

If you have a very high intake of Panadol throughout your life (Migraine, Menstrual cramps) it is very likely that normal general anesthetic will have no effects on you as your body is pumped full with panadol and your body is so used to pain killer that you would need a much stronger pain killer, Morphine??

Value your life, THINK b4 you easily pop that familiar pill into your mouth again.


wednesday is a tiring Day!!
got taekwondo practice
today i learn some techniques when encounter
someone who want to kidnap u
so 4 those who want to learn come n c me
rm3 per 10 min
haha juz kidding
dont mind to share as sharing is caring rite?
on oct will b held tournament
i wish i can join
as it is really fun but u must b willing to b punched o kicked
juz protect urself
dont know whether can win o not
im not really expert in sparring
but juz pray 4 me k??
nway juz wanted to drop by b4 going to sleep

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love.Charles Peguy

There can be no Friendship where there is no Freedom.William Penn

No man is useless while he has a friend.Robert Louis Stevenson

A friend is a present you give yourself.Robert Louis Stevenson

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.George Washington

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.Martin Luther King, Jr.

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.Anonymous

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.Anonymous

The rain may be falling hard outside,But your smile makes it all alright.I'm so glad that you're my friend.I know our friendship will never end.Robert Alan

Friendship is Love without his wings!Lord Byron

When we hurt each other we should write it down in the sand, so the winds of forgiveness can make it go away for good. When we help each other we should chisel it in stone, lest we never forget the love of a friend.Christian H. Godefroy

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.Kahil Gibran

Friendship is always a sweet responsibilty, never an opportunity.Kahil Gibran
FREINDSHIP FOREVER!! dak2 medik t da fly jgan lpe akuw kt cni!! ahahaha~~

Ahlan ahlan ya Ramadhan!

Salam to all.

Memandangkan Bulan Ramadhan dah nak dekat, marilah kita sama-sama recap, apa sebenarnya PUASA itu...

Puasa ertinya menahan diri dari makan dan minum dan dari segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai terbit fajar hinggalah terbenam matahari.

Puasa bulan Ramadan, puasa kifarat dan puasa nazar.

Puasa enam hari pada bulan Syawal
Puasa hari Arafah
Puasa Hari Asyura pada 10 Muharam
Puasa bulan Syaaban
Puasa Isnin dan Khamis
Puasa tengah bulan iaitu 13,14,15 pada tiap-tiap bulan qamaria (tahun Hijrah)

Puasa yang terus menerus sepanjang masa
Tidak termasuk dua hari raya dan hari tasyriq

Puasa pada hari raya pertama Idil Fitri
Puasa pada hari raya pertama Haji
Puasa tiga hari sesudah hari raya haji atau hari tasyriq iaitu pada 11,12, dan 13 Zulhijjah.

Akhir Baligh (Cukup umur)
Kuat atau mampu mengerjakan puasa

Mumayyiz (dapat membezakan yang baik dan buruk)
Suci daripada haid dan nifas
Dalam waktu yang dibolehkan berpuasa.

Berniat - Pada malam selama bulan Ramadhan hendaklah berniat di dalam hati bahawa kita akan mengerjakan puasa pada hari esok.
Menahan diri daripada segala yang membatalkan semenjak terbit fajar sampai terbenam matahari.

Makan dan minum dengan sengaja
Muntah dengan sengaja
Bersetubuh tanpa keluar mani pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan
Keluar darah haid atau nifas
Keluar mani akibat bersetubuh dengan perempuan. Tetapi keluar mani kerana bermimpi tidak membatalkan puasa.

Orang yang sakit
Orang yang dalam perjalanan jarak jauh melebihi 52 batu atau 80.64 km.
Orang tua yang sudah lemah
Orang yang hamil dan orang yang menyusukan anak.

Dipetik daripada:

Marilah kita berazam untuk berubah jadi lebih baik!

Al-Quran jadi kawan baik kita.
Sejadah jadi kawan baik dahi kita.
Tudung jadi kawan baik rambut kita.
Stokin jadi kawan baik kaki kita.
Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran jadi halwa telinga kita.


wonderful j2

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hi j2:)

well, actually
ive got no particular topics to share here
its 2.18 am
but i cannot sleep
i blame the caffein

hmm, what more that i can write here??
oh oh,
today is the first time i went back to casa by taxi!
i missed the bus by only few minutes
i thought of running, but i wore baju kurung
that wud take same time, and imagine org lari pkai baju kurung, di kampus taylor
jerit2 "bas! tungguuuu bas!!!"..and plus my baju kurung is RED..lagilah ke-obvious-an;p

and people surely will be staring at me..mak aih..malulah kalo cmtu =.="

so, i decided to pace down and "oh, lets just take the cab"
( i missed the bus cause i singgah library jap, and plus the bus is a lil bit early.heh)

i naik taxi with two other SAM student, who also missed the bus
we were charged rm 9..mahal ke tuh??
i dunno..and im seriusly no good at bargaining
still on practice.haha.

em, what else happen today...hmm, nuting much

nex week is so gonna be one hell of a week

monday-maths common test
wed-esl comman test( if im not mistaken, do check bb7.i wasnt sure my self k.)
fri-bio class test

so, may we all be blessed by Allah and achieve excellence together:) gud luck and all the best

i love j2:)
u all make my day

c ya in class!!! *again* haih


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Since we have our own class fund, if any of you need any form of academic related financial assistance (photostat money etc.), don't hesitate to come to me or Wan.

Basically the money will be used mainly for photostating notes and to buy other necessities (perhaps stationery etc.) Also for celebrations (lecturer's day or year-end party) and maybe emergency cases.

Claiming of photostat money can be done at any time and anywhere. Please produce a receipt to do claiming (kidding..i trust all you :p)

Thank you for your kind cooperation! :)


1. Doa perempuan lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda, "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia".

2. Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dlm rahimnya,maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dgn 1,000 kebajikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000 kejahatan.

3. Apabila seseorang perempuan mula sakit hendak bersalin,maka Allah mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah.

4. Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak,keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkanya.

5. Apabila telah lahir anak lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan daripada susunya diberi satu kebajikan.

6. Apabila semalaman ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah.

7. Barangsiapa yang mengembirakan akan perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah dan orang yang takutkan Allah akan diharamkan api neraka keatas tubuhnya.

8. Barangsiapa membawa hadiah, (barang makan dari pasar ke rumah)lalu diberikan kepada keluarganay, maka pahalanya seperti bersedekah. Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barangsiapa yang menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail.

9. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama,maka Allah memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga lebih dahulu daripada suaminya (10,000 tahun)

10. Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa bulan Ramadhan,memelihara kehormatannya serta taat akan suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.

11.Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1,000 lelaki yang soleh.

12.Aisyah berkata, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita?? Jawab Rasulullah,"Suaminya." "Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah, "Ibunya".

13.Apabila memanggil akan engkau dua orang ibubapamu, maka jawablah panggilan ibumu dahulu.

14.Wanita yang taat akan suaminya, ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan semua beristighfar baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya serta menjaga sembahyang dan puasanya.

15. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga.Masuklah dari mana? mana pintu yang di kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.

16. Syurga itu dibawah tapak kaki ibu.

17. Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku (Nabi s.a.w) di dalam syurga.

18. Barangsiapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan lalu dia bersikap ihsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh rasa takwa serta bertanggungjawab, maka baginya syurga.

19. Daripada Aisyah r.a. Barangsiapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu daripada anak-anak perempuannya, lalu berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka.

Jadi, janganlah sesekali kita merasa lemah.wanita sebenarnya yang membuat seseorang lelaki itu kuat.

Monday, August 18, 2008

rubbish talks.

lo and behold! it's my first time posting in the class blog! haha. got nothing to update you guys about actually. and i don't really know what to update in our blog because every time the idea come knocking, mesti ade orang yang lebih pantas dan cekap drpd aku dah tulis dulu. hampa je. but since the admin *ehemehem* is actually my housemate (and currently inhabiting my room) so i get the hey-bila-kau-nak-post-kat-blog-kelas-weyyy a lot. (i mean, A LOT LOT.)

*haziqahku sayang jangan marah ye?:P*

so i guess all of you must have started reading whatever islamic studies' lecture notes right now. if you haven't, you'd better be. haha. look who's talking laa wey. aku pun tak sentuh lagi nota2 LAN tu. nk kne korek2 laa nampaknya sebab aku tak berapa ingat aku letak kat mana. haih.

whatever. so best of LUCK for tomorrow!

/masih kecewa tak jumpa abang lab hari ni. :PPP

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Renungan minggu ini...

Cintailah kecintaanmu dengan sedang, boleh jadi ia menjadi kebencianmu suatu hari. Dan bencilah kebencianmu dengan sedang, boleh jadi ia menjadi kecintaanmu suatu hari.

Jikalau anda mencintai seseorang, maka cintailah dirinya secara tidak keterlaluan. Kerana mungkin suatu ketika nanti dirinya boleh menjadi insan yang paling anda benci. Begitulah juga sekiranya anda membenci seseorang, maka janganlah anda membencinya sepenuh hati. Kerana suatu saat yang tidak diduga, anda mungkin jatuh cinta padanya. Ingatlah bahawa tiada cinta yang lebih agung dan hakiki melainkan cinta Allah SWT.

Pada saat muda remaja, kita sering kali lalai dalam kekalutan dunia. Hanyut bagaikan daun yang gugur, masuk dan mengalir bersama derasnya air sungai. Itukah diri kita sebenarnya? Tiada jati diri? Masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang lembu menguak. Sebagai seorang Muslim, hanya Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah yang wajar menjadi pembimbing hidup kita. Bukannya adat dan budaya orang Barat yang menjadi penunjuk arah dalam kita mencorak kehidupan. Bukannya diri ini ingin berkhutbah, tetapi sekadar ingin ingat-memperingati sesama kita. Diri ini juga sering kali hanyut dalam godaan dunia; harta, pangkat dan wanita, namun syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana masih memberikan petunjuk hidayah kepada hambanya yang lemah dan sering kali hanyut dalam godaan dunia ini.

Kita sering kali runsing akan siapakah yang akan menjadi teman sehidup semati kita walaupun Allah SWT telah menjanjikan bahawa setiap seorang daripada kita masing-masing sudah mempunyai jodoh yang tertulis di Luh Mahfuz. Kita sering kali alpa. Kenapa kita masih runsing akan hal ini? Adakah kerana tidak yakin akan janji Allah SWT? Kenapa ada dalam kalangan kita yang bertukar-tukar pasangan padahal pada akhirnya kita akan bertemu jua dengan jodoh kita? Allah Maha Adil. Setiap daripada kita akan menerima ganjaran dan balasan di atas setiap perbuatan kita. Jika kita runsing, maka jadilah insan yang baik nescaya akan bertemu jodoh yang terbaik. Carilah seramai mana kenalan, nescaya ada di antara mereka yang akan menjadi pendamping hidup ini. Allah SWT berfirman;

Perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik.
-An-Nur: 26-

Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berpikir.
-Surah Ar-Rum: 21-

Di samping itu, dalam kesmpatan yang ada di sini, ingin diri ini menyentuh isu mengenai nisfu Sya'ban. Tertakluk di dalam kategori bid'ah kepada sesiapa yang mengerjakan solat sunat malam nisfu Sya'ban. Maka kita tidak patut melakukannya. Walau bagaimanapun, kita digalakkan untuk mengerjakan solat sunat seperti solat sunat tahajjud, witir, istikharah, hajat dan tasbih. Mungkin agak terlambat diri ini menyatakan hal ini namun diharap dapat dijadikan panduan pada masa akan datang.

Selain itu, di sini juga ingin ditekankan bahawa Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah secara khusus menyatakan bahawa 15 Sya'ban sebagai hari yang disunatkan berpuasa. Namun Baginda SAW telah berpuasa sebanyak mungkin pada bulan Sya'ban yang digelar bulan Rasulullah SAW seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Aisyah RA:

"Aku tidak pernah melihat Nabi SAW berpuasa sepanjang bulan kecuali pada bulan Ramadhan. Aku juga tidak pernah melihat Baginda berpuasa secara kerap di dalam bulan lain kecuali di dalam bulan Sya'ban"
-Sahîh Bukhari dan Muslim-

P/S: Jikalau ada kesempatan diharap dapat meluangkan masa untuk klik link ini. Sesuai untuk kaum Adam dan Hawa. Telah lama di"post" namun tatkala itu, blog tersebut masih tidak ramai pengunjungnya.

LAN Assignments Setel! Yeah!

finally! it's over! for now laaa.. phewh! letih wooo buat.. x caye? cek this out..

(masing2 ceria jeee, bertenaga jeee..)

(completely KO........ )
(.......... even after 10 hours. =P)

phewh penat penat!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

19 Keistimewaan Wanita & 6 Golongan Wanita Malang.


1. Doa wanita itu lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah SAW akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda , "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia."

2. Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1000 lelaki yang soleh.

3. Barangsiapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah . Dan orang yang takutkan Allah SWT akan diharamkan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.

4. Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku (Rasulullah SAW) di dalam syurga.

5. Barangsiapa membawa hadiah (barang makanan dari pasar ke rumah lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya) maka pahalanya seperti melakukan amalan bersedekah. Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barangsiapa yang menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail.

6. Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.

7. Barangsiapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan lalu dia bersikap ihsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh rasa takwa serta sikap bertanggungjawab, maka baginya adalah syurga.

8. Apabila memanggil akan dirimu dua orang ibu bapamu, maka jawablah panggilan ibumu terlebih dahulu.

9. Daripada Aisyah RA "Barangsiapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu daripada anak-anak perempuannya lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka.

10. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutuplah pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pun pintu yang dia kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.

11. Wanita yang taat pada suaminya, maka semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan semua beristighfar baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya serta menjaga solat dan puasanya.

12. Aisyah RA berkata, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita?" Jawab Rasulullah SAW "Suaminya." "Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah SAW, "Ibunya."

13. Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta kepada suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.

14. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah SWT memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga terlebih dahulu daripada suaminya (10,000 tahun).

15. Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah SWT mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebajikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000 kejahatan.

16. Apabila seseorang perempuan mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah SWT mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah.

17. Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.

18. Apabila telah lahir anak lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan daripada susunya diberi satu kebajikan.

19. Apabila semalaman seorang ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah SWT memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 orang hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah SWT.


Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam, jangan yang Ananah, yang Mananah, dan yang Hananah, dan jangan engkau kahwini yang Hadaqah, yang Baraqah dan yang Syadaqah.

Wanita Ananah: banyak mengeluh dan mengadu dan tiap saat memperalatkan sakit atau buat-buat sakit.

Wanita Mananah: suka mengungkit-ungkit terhadap suami. Wanita ini sering menyatakan, "Aku membuat itu keranamu."

Wanita Hananah: menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain.

Wanita Hadaqah: melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya untuk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya.

Wanita Baraqah: ada 2 makna, pertama yang sepanjang hari mengilatkan dan menghias mukanya, kedua dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagianya.

Wanita Syadaqah: banyak cakap tidak menentu lagi bising.

Dicatat oleh Imam Al-Ghazalli.