gurlz alwys play wif body languages n sumtimes hoping dat guyz wud understand dem..
but not all guyz can totally read doz body languages...
here r some tips dat i found especially for u guyz out der!
1. when a gurl iz quiet, millions of things r running in her mind
2. when a gurl iz not arguing, she iz thinkin deeply
3. when a gurl looks at u wit eyes full of questions, she iz wonderin how long u will be around
4. when a gurl answers "im fine" after a few sec, she iz not at all fine
5. when a gurl stares at u, she iz wonderin y u r lying
6. when a gurl calls u evrydae, she iz seekin 4 ur attention
7.when a gurl lays on ur chest, she iz wishin 4 u to be hers 4eva
8. when a gurl sms' u evrydae, she wants u 2 reply at least once
9. when a gurl says "i luv u", she means it
10. when a gurl says dat she cant live without u, she has made up her mind dat u'r her future
11. when a gurl says "i miss u", no 1 in diz world can miss u more then her...

so i hope dat u guys cud undrstand ur gurl after diz
make it practical ehh... dun play2 wif gurlz.....
these r all idiot tips.. juz 4 fun only!! adiozz
(but almost 99.9% true)
~especially made for da new hot gossips between r_d_ _a and _u_i n (lawak saje ehh, jgn marah ehh)
Wow! Gossip apa tu?? Aku nak tau gak!
ko mmg sgt2 left behind daa...
gosip nie da panas ke seluruh pelusuk j-2-o-8... ekekeke
nk tawu, tnye tuan punye badan ler..
ahaha. boleh tahan gak ek kau ni mye! pencetus gossip! =P
ouhh.. biase..!!
bdak2 utara mmg kuwat gossip!!
mami jarum la kata kn!!!
xoxo~gossip gurl...
gossip mende nie? gajah tol...
ala yuhin...
nk melawak xley ke....?
sowie kpd pihak yg brkenaan
hnye lah rekaan semata2..
gosip?gosip?tataw pape pon....
ni safura kew???
apehal "zelfa"???
mcm zebra laks...
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