Thursday, August 21, 2008


Salam to all.

Today it rained, and I looooooooooooooooooooooooove it!

Just smell the rain!
See the cottony clouds!
Feel the tickling rain on your skin!
And of course, beware of the slippery stairs.

Somehow, for a few seconds, the famous 'Muhibah' song was aired. I felt kinda wierd. I mean, I don't expect Taylors to practice that... But, that's good.. At least Taylors is being patriotic..

Anyway, class was ok la today.

So far:

ESL : wAaaaaRgGGGGGGGGgHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sTrEss GiLeR nak cari article! <--must improve my Internet skills...

Math : Okay sometimes, blurr sometimes, excited sometimes <-- when doing mind-boggling questions. Stress sometimes <--when I couldn't get the right answer.

Chemy : I couldn't help but to wander how the scientist imagine the electrons and all.. It really pushes my logical thinking to the maximum. Anyway, this is the most challenging subject so far.

Bio : Alhamdulillah, I begin to appreciate the uniqueness of living things more. The formation of protein is a complex process with the transcription, translation process and all... But don't you think it's amazing how the whole process happens beyond our concious control???

Phys : I am actually quite happy getting SAM instead of IB because I can learn physics! Yeay! (Budak IB ambik Chem ngan Bio jer) So far can still digest the projectile motion..

Agama : Love it! Due to the fact that we learn it in English, and of course, Ustazah memang sporting ah! (Except the part when we have to complete the folio.. sangat meletihkan ooooo..)

EAP : I prefer to have the classes at Language Centre. Just loooooooooove the bubbly J2s in my EAP.. I mean, we J2s were like the rockest, hippiest, noisiest students in our group. Cayalah!

Okay. Sleep tight everyone.

Kalau rajin, ambil wudhu' sebelum tidur.. InsyaAllah muka berseri-seri bak kuih seri muka!
Buat selalu dan InsyaAllah tak perlu guna pencuci muka hari-hari. Seminggu sekali pun dah cukup... serious cakap...

(FYI, I am the earliest one to go to sleep and always the last one to wake up.. haha!)


Hana said...

msty wani ari2 mek air semyang b4 tdo en?
patot x yah pkai pncuci mke..
caya ah!!

12345 :) said...

i shud practice that.thnx.:)