Monday, August 18, 2008

rubbish talks.

lo and behold! it's my first time posting in the class blog! haha. got nothing to update you guys about actually. and i don't really know what to update in our blog because every time the idea come knocking, mesti ade orang yang lebih pantas dan cekap drpd aku dah tulis dulu. hampa je. but since the admin *ehemehem* is actually my housemate (and currently inhabiting my room) so i get the hey-bila-kau-nak-post-kat-blog-kelas-weyyy a lot. (i mean, A LOT LOT.)

*haziqahku sayang jangan marah ye?:P*

so i guess all of you must have started reading whatever islamic studies' lecture notes right now. if you haven't, you'd better be. haha. look who's talking laa wey. aku pun tak sentuh lagi nota2 LAN tu. nk kne korek2 laa nampaknya sebab aku tak berapa ingat aku letak kat mana. haih.

whatever. so best of LUCK for tomorrow!

/masih kecewa tak jumpa abang lab hari ni. :PPP


♥ Hαzıqαh said...

yaaay, zatynordin post siot~
dakwah ku berjaya.
xpe kan i "inhabit" ur room?
asalkan aku xtmbh "karpet" kat lantai kau tu haa... ;)

Z. said...

hahhahaha. dakwah laa sgt!
haah. 'karpet' mahal tuuu. kau takleh jumpe di mane2 jua. nguahahhaahah.

//u inhabit laaa lame2. lame2 mkin tebal karpet aku haaa. :PP

uraniumwise said...

(semangat housemate yang begitu tinggi)

Anonymous said...

aku jmpa abg lab td. dpn 7e. huahua.

Z. said...

hahahah. sakinah, kau mmg stalker. abg lab g mne pon kau tau. hahah!