Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.

assalamualaikum and greetings, romeos and juliets!

Im supposed to finish my LAN essay right now but I just cant resist the temptation! XD So what the heck, i just dropped by to say that, I'm deeply priveleged to be your class rep! Truly, serving geniusses and scholars like yourselves is an honor for me. I give you guys and gals my word that I'll do my very best and offer my best services to you all! And if you romeos or juliets need anything, dont hesitate to come to me or Nadia G aite! We'll try our very best to accomodate your needs.

And in return, i want all of us 28 monkeys to continue to make our classes wild and fun kay! If not, u can see me snorring off at the back and creating a 'peta dunia' on my table. U dont want to see that rite? =P

And to Haziqah! Tengkiu sbb buat blog nie. And please laa wei.. Delta kokoi laaa! Hancuss! citpoodah! haha! ALPHA juara!

owh yeah! i almost forgot. There is no such thing as free photostat. ahahaha! wek wek! =P

yang poyo, (korg yg ckp kan, sampai hati korg ek.. huhu)
Ridhwan Firdaus Ramli aka reedo


Nadia said...

abg wan, i think we shud collect the class money la. :P lol... so takyah nak kutip bersen-sen setiap hari! nways org kat mac centre tu pun dh kenal u :P!

uraniumwise said...

haha.. sebenarnya aku rasa kutip duit bersen-sen setiap hari tu agak comel.... haha!

tapi, in terms of practicality, kutip duit kelas lagi bagos.


Long Live CHELSEA!!!!!

Z. said...

oh oh. kau pon chelsea gak ek wany? bagus2. spirit for the blues! wahahahah. biakan haziqah sorg termangu2 sokong liverpool loser. hahahahhahaahaha.